February 2020. The footage here clearly shows a family being continously targetted by the Russian Drones. It’s Idlib, Syria. The head of the family was the Senior Financial Auditor of Assad’s Government. A year into the Rebellion he resigned accusing Assad of Corruption! The deliberate targetting of Civilians is a War Crime and Putin should be in the Dock at The Hague, as should Assad. War Crimes are being committed on a regular basis by World Powers, they know, or they think they know they can get away with it. The UN is too Liberal, too Weak, too Politically Minded on Diversity. I see Political Islam as a Clear and Present Danger to the Cultures of Europe, but I do not wish ill on someone because they are Muslim. We are supposed to be living in a Modern World, if so, we need to stop behaving with Barbarity. The head of the family at time of writing, is Alive, he says, “To live just a couple of hours is better than living in a world full of lies!” Oh so True.
Feb 2020. War Crimes in Idlib Part 1