February 2020. As you will know, I’m against the Barbarity of Political Islam and I consider it a Danger to the Western Cultures. It is True that Political Islam continues to Slaughter more Muslims than Christians and Jews and a Wrong cannot be Ignored because it doesn’t fit the narrative. Doing so would be a similar Barbarity. The War Crimes being commited by Syria and Russia on the People of Syria continues with Impunity from the West. Airstrikes rained down on al-Iman Specialized Hospital for Women and Children on Aug. 31 in the battered Aleppo province of Syria. Six consecutive attacks injured three people and forced the evacuation of newborn babies – still in their incubators. This type of grim scene has played out again and again during the eight-year-long Syrian conflict, a conflict defined by Syrian and Russian government attacks on civilian targets like hospitals and schools. And while Syria has largely faded from the headlines, Syrian President Bashar Assad and his allies in Moscow are escalating their brutal assault on Idlib, the last opposition-held area. More than 540,000 women, men, and children are internally displaced and 3 million civilians are now trapped in this so-called deescalation area, according to the United Nations. An estimated 1,089 civilians have been killed amid the violence in Syria’s northwest region over the past four months.