The UKIP Wales Leader Neil Hamilton has said, “…although Powell was sacked while the Tories were in opposition, when Mr Heath later became prime minister he introduced a scheme for “voluntary repatriation of immigrants” in 1971. “The idea that Enoch Powell was some kind of uniquely racist villain is absolute nonsense,” Mr Hamilton told the Good Morning Wales programme. “Powell actually changed politics by articulating the fears and resentments of millions and millions of people who are being ignored by the establishment.” Mr Hamilton said: “I think he’s been proved right by events. I don’t think he was right in one sense, in that we have not seen the kind of racial violence and intolerance generated by what’s happening in the United States.” But Mr Hamilton said the “social changes which mass immigration has brought were never desired by the majority of the British people, and indeed they had never been asked ‘do you want to transform your country in the way that has happened’.” In other words, the Politicians of this Land, Ignored the People, and Continue to do so.
Enoch Powell and Repatriation Part 2