December 2016. Most of us in our jobs have experienced bad management to various degrees, we’ll moan about it and some may be able to sort it out, but it’s part of life and we get on with it. But if your jobĀ is to be part of the Defenders of Our Freedom, the Armed Forces, or the Defenders of Our Laws, the Police, you’re Putting your Life On the line and to Be the Best you Need and Deserve the Best Commanders.I’m no Judge and Jury but to be in a Position where You are Shooting at a Man One Minute and the Next Offering First Aid, that’s One Hell of a Complex of Skill Mix that’s Needed. Very Poor Management Clearly HappenedHere. A Royal Marine who’s serving a Life Sentence for the Murder of an Injured Afghan Fighter has been Refused Bail pending a Rehearing of his Trial. Sgt Alexander Blackman had his case Referred for Appeal after New Evidence came to light about his Mental Health at the time of the Killing. And there’s New Testimony from his former Commanding Officer in Helmand, he tells us about his Warnings about the sergeant’s Unit that went Unheeded and he Speaks of a Lack of Leadership leading Up to the Killing. The most Battlefield Experience I’ve gained is Chasing a Fly around the Room with a Paper so I’m No Expert but it don’t take an Einstein to work out that the Commander of the Commanded has to be Up to the Task cause these guys have to be Removed of Feeling when they’re working, don’t know how that gets done.
Dec 2016. Sgt Blackman