Ain’t us Humans strange things? An Uncertain or Threatening situation means the more primitive part of the brain can take over, and it’s main objective is to keep you alive. This suppresses or distorts rational thinking, so even though governments are promising there will be no disruption to food supply, many don’t listen. Most people have never lived through something like this current health crisis, so they would rather buy more food than they usually would than risk going hungry. Scarcity of products leads people to perceive them as more valuable, meaning they are more willing to pay a premium price. It can even make us buy things we don’t even want because we think they are suddenly worth more. This can explain why people are scrambling for toilet paper and stealing it out of other people’s baskets even though they have plenty at home. The Share and Share Alike mentality gets thrown out the window, it’s the take care of number one and stuff the old lady down the road. We’ve had it Too Easy, we’re not Reminded of the Struggles our ForeFathers had. Perhaps because History ain’t taught in schools anymore, it’s all about Identity Politics, the Progressive Liberals and Globalists are Ashamed of our past struggles and Insult and Decry it. That’s Insulting and Decrying my father and Millions like him who fought in the Second World War. We need to Regain the ‘Old Fashioned Mentality’ of Respect.
Coronavirus Panic Buying Part 2