The Biden Betrayal of Democracy Part 24

The irregularities point to election rigging and is so serious that the very foundation of democracy is being undermined. Given that none of the mainstream like CNN, CNBC, Washington Post, Bloomberg, New York Times, BBC, Facebook, Google, etc. are all controlled by the interest groups / big money who all seem to have a hand… Continue reading The Biden Betrayal of Democracy Part 24

Western Culture Under Attack Part 35

Our two most valuable assets are space and liberty. Only Western-style civilisation allows us our individual sovereignty, which we must protect at all costs. Western civilisation has evolved over centuries, establishing itself on two firm foundation principles: Judaeo-Christianity and democracy. A threat to either is a threat to all that we stand for. Whether or… Continue reading Western Culture Under Attack Part 35

Dec 2020. Footballers Taking a Knee

December 2020. On 17th October I watched the Old Firm game in Glasgow on the telly and I was disgusted at the players ‘taking the knee’. If the fans had been present they’d have been booed off the park. But now CCTV is being used after the Millwall game to identify who was booing and… Continue reading Dec 2020. Footballers Taking a Knee

The Biden Betrayal of Democracy Part 23

It greatly surprises me how the mainstream media are all deliberately turning a blind eye to the obvious voting irregularities in the 2020 US election. I think big money from particular interest groups really want Donald Trump out of office and will go to the extent to cover up and possibly even partake or fund… Continue reading The Biden Betrayal of Democracy Part 23

Media Bias Part 7

The BBC has a major role, one so important that we are compelled by law to fund it, its real service is to national unity. The Corporation cannot unite us while becoming a mouthpiece for one side of a culture war. Nothing good will come of this troubling evolution in the BBC’s news values, not… Continue reading Media Bias Part 7

Western Culture Under Attack Part 34

In “Western Civilization Under Siege,” Kenneth Schultz exposes the existential threats to Western nations, and indeed Western civilization. Schultz puts forward powerful arguments that some of these threats, if not taken seriously and dealt with accordingly, will ultimately usher in the end of the freedoms and lifestyles enjoyed by the citizens of many Western countries,… Continue reading Western Culture Under Attack Part 34

The Biden Betrayal of Democracy Part 22

The announcement of a Joe Biden victory on Saturday morning exacerbated an internal conflict in conservative media, in which Fox News in particular has been singled out for criticism by a flotilla of smaller, angrier, pro-Trump outlets. The conservative cable news channel, which angered Trump supporters by calling Arizona for Biden before any other network,… Continue reading The Biden Betrayal of Democracy Part 22

The Biden Betrayal of Democracy Part 21

The President’s Advocate Sydney Powell, in her Historic Quest to reverse last month’s election, has gained a strange new ally: the longtime administrator of the message board 8kun, the QAnon conspiracy theory’s Internet home. Powell on Tuesday filed an affidavit from Ron Watkins, the son of 8kun’s owner Jim Watkins, in a Georgia lawsuit alleging… Continue reading The Biden Betrayal of Democracy Part 21

The Biden Betrayal of Democracy Part 20

William Barr, US attorney-general, said on Tuesday he had not seen evidence of voter fraud that would affect the outcome of the presidential election, undermining Donald Trump’s claims the vote was stolen. The assessment by Mr Barr in an interview with the Associated Press was a high-profile rebuke of the president’s unsubstantiated claims of a… Continue reading The Biden Betrayal of Democracy Part 20

Katie Hopkins on US Democracy under Attack Part 2

Katie Hopkins talks to Dan Ball about the Critical Situation that the West generally and the US specifically finds itself in. She makes it clear that the Vote Rigging and Election Fraud has to be Investigated and taken to the Highest Court in the Land because the Soul of the Nation is at stake.