Debunking White Privilege Part 4

Our ruling class would rather cover up the rape & abuse of tens of thousands of White British girls than criticise Muslims. They would rather overthrow democracy than give us Brexit. They would rather crash the economy than stand up to the Globalist power-grab to rule the World.

Trump over Biden Part 29

Trump delivered on his 2016 campaign promise to relocate the U.S. Embassy in Israel to divided Jerusalem. Late in his term, his administration also helped broker historic deals between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Sudan to normalize relations, which even Trump’s critics applauded.

Identity Politics and the Marxist Lie of White Privilege Part 2

Discussing something as divisive as Identity Politics and White Privilege is a courageous task to undertake. However, it needs to be discussed. It is a term that is so contrapuntal and polarised to the world that we should all be trying to create; its use only makes matters worse. It is a term loaded with… Continue reading Identity Politics and the Marxist Lie of White Privilege Part 2

Dec 2020. The Queen’s Christmas Message

The Queen has broadcast her annual address in the Christmas Message to the United Kingdom and Commonwealth. She acknowledged the “difficult and unpredictable times” of the past year, saying “there is hope in the new dawn.” She also paid thanks to the efforts of health workers and community volunteers in the UK and around the… Continue reading Dec 2020. The Queen’s Christmas Message

Biden Betrayal of Democracy Part 34

Interviews with some two dozen Republican voters in the Midwestern state of Kansas reveal a picture of how they see the world. Most felt they had been cheated out of a victory, and that democratic institutions, particularly the electoral process, were broken. Most Republican voters, in Kansas and elsewhere, either believe Trump won the election… Continue reading Biden Betrayal of Democracy Part 34

Congress Under Attack Part 3

A majority of House Republicans, as well as six senators, voted to try to overturn President-elect Joe Biden’s win in Arizona after President Donald Trump’s supporters stormed the US Capitol, attempting a coup that forced lawmakers to evacuate. Members of Congress returned to the House and Senate floors Wednesday evening to resume certifying the Electoral… Continue reading Congress Under Attack Part 3

Biden Betrayal of Democracy Part 33

Standing on Main Street, Dillard Ungeheuer, 73, was scraping cow manure off his shoes, left over from a visit to a feed lot, and seemed testy. When it came to the ballots, he was emphatic – many were fake. “I’m not going to argue with nobody about it,” he says, voice rising. “I believe what… Continue reading Biden Betrayal of Democracy Part 33

Congress Under Attack Part 2

The US Congress has certified Joe Biden’s victory in the presidential election, hours after Trump supporters stormed the building in an attack that saw four people die. Lawmakers resumed the session after police managed to remove the mob, which had been encouraged by President Donald Trump in a bid to overturn his defeat. The certification… Continue reading Congress Under Attack Part 2

Western Culture Under Attack Part 39

Joe Biden, criticizing sexual assault, said, “This is English jurisprudential culture, a white man’s culture,” adding, “It’s got to change.” The Western world’s culture isn’t perfect but women fare better under it than any other culture. Just ask yourself: If you’re a feminist, in which countries would you like to live? Would it be Saudi… Continue reading Western Culture Under Attack Part 39

Identity Politics and the Marxist Lie of White Privilege Part 1

Identity Politics and White Privilege are issues which are as dangerous as they are divisive; even attempting to discuss such a topic risks criticism from many people. ‘White Privilege’ is a post-modern societal construct which acclaims that ethnically ‘white’ people have a distinct advantage over non-white people in particular societies, especially in the West. It… Continue reading Identity Politics and the Marxist Lie of White Privilege Part 1