Western Culture under Attack Part 47

Many US Students do not appreciate the fact that freedom and competition in both the marketplace and idea arena unleashed a level of entrepreneurism, risk-taking and creativity heretofore unknown to mankind. Look at the marketplace of ideas. The Nobel Prize has been awarded to 860 people since its inception in 1901. The prizewinner distribution: Americans… Continue reading Western Culture under Attack Part 47

Feb 2021. Salmond Sturgeon and Scotland Part 6

MSP Murdo Fraser condemned the decision to redact parts of Mr Salmond’s claims. “As a member of the parliamentary committee investigating the matter, I am heartily sick of the whole affair,” said the Tory politician. “I am sick of the lies, the evasion, the deceit, the obstruction, and the obfuscation.” Mr Fraser claimed the “whole… Continue reading Feb 2021. Salmond Sturgeon and Scotland Part 6

Feb 2021. Salmond Sturgeon and Scotland Part 5

A Scottish Conservative MSP on the committee investigating the Scottish government’s botched handling of complaints against Alex Salmond has claimed he is “heartily sick of the whole affair”. The former first minister pulled out of Wednesday’s scheduled appearance at the committee after parliamentary authorities removed, redacted and published an edited version of his written evidence.… Continue reading Feb 2021. Salmond Sturgeon and Scotland Part 5

Feb 2021. Salmond v Sturgeon

The Scottish Parliament has published a revised version of submissions from Alex Salmond after the Crown Office raised “grave concerns” about it. Mr Salmond’s papers named people he alleges were part of a “malicious” attempt to remove him from public life. The parliament later removed one of the documents and republished it in another form.… Continue reading Feb 2021. Salmond v Sturgeon

The Fall of the Cabal (Down the Rabbit Hole) Part 2

Janet Ossebaard talks about the Rothschild and Rockefeller families and the power of Evil which they wield over the World, George Soros and his 25 billion dollars isn’t missed either. One of the many suggestions made here is the Titanic was deliberately sunk, motive being to simply kill three influential men that were against the… Continue reading The Fall of the Cabal (Down the Rabbit Hole) Part 2

Feb 2021. Salmond Sturgeon and Scotland Part 4

The fight-to-the-death battle between Alex Salmond and Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon is coming to a head. He has now accused Sturgeon’s husband of attempting to have him ‘imprisoned’ as part of conspiracy at the top of the SNP. Observers now think his long-cherished political aim of Scottish independence is taking second place to destroying… Continue reading Feb 2021. Salmond Sturgeon and Scotland Part 4

The End of the World as we Know It Part 1

Okay at this moment I’m a little sceptical to put it mildly, but the work of Janet Ossebaard shouldn’t be ignored, it a least needs considered. One of the statements in this footage is that our televisions, phones, laptops etc all contain spyware which works whither on or off and our conversations are being recorded!… Continue reading The End of the World as we Know It Part 1

Trump over Biden Part 37

Trump’s response to a deadly neo-Nazi rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, remains one of the most controversial moments in his presidency. It was emblematic of Trump’s struggle to bring the country together after tragedies, and more generally. His response also typified his controversial record on race relations and white supremacy. Trump blamed “many sides” for the… Continue reading Trump over Biden Part 37

People of Courage Part 4

Fox Business’ Lou Dobbs – “I’ve never seen a president whose endorsement mattered more in terms of results, nor have I seen more recipients of such an endorsement be less grateful and, in point of fact, be well, peevish, petty and vindictive against a man they obviously are jealous of and who they fear mightily… Continue reading People of Courage Part 4