UK Government to Bypass Scottish Executive

Westminster is attempting to “bypass the Scottish Government” by giving UK ministers powers in areas that are reserved for Edinburgh, the SNP has claimed. The United Kingdom Internal Market Bill gives ministers the power to fund infrastructure and development anywhere in the UK, which the SNP say is an attack on devolution because areas such… Continue reading UK Government to Bypass Scottish Executive

Western Culture under Attack Part 51

Western Civilization gave us individual freedom, democracy, personal responsibility, advanced agriculture, the Reformation, the Renaissance, the Industrial Revolution, ease of travel, organ transplants, space exploration, etc., and yes, vulgar rap music, the woke culture, sleazy entertainment, and the drug culture.

The Fall of the Cabal (The Return of the King) Part 10

I don’t like to say it but I do feel that Janet Ossebaard is now in the Alex Jones league which I thought of as one, but there we go. Janet talks about how we’re in deep pearl and we’ll be on our way out with these super people I guess. I agree we’re in… Continue reading The Fall of the Cabal (The Return of the King) Part 10

Feb 2021. Salmond Sturgeon and Scotland Part 12

John Swinney is being given a 24 hour deadline to release the government’s legal advice on the Alex Salmond case or face a vote of no confidence in him as Deputy First Minister. The Scottish Conservatives are threatening to lodge a motion of no confidence in Nicola Sturgeon’s second in command at Holyrood on Tuesday.… Continue reading Feb 2021. Salmond Sturgeon and Scotland Part 12

Western Culture under Attack Part 50

Our culture is now under attack and must be defended. While there were many failures of Western Civilization, there is much more that honours us than horrifies us. Western Civilization is a product of hundreds of years of trial and error, resulting in advanced and free nations.

Patriotism Part 20

Patriotism can focus on preservation, protection and furtherance of what is best in our national way of life, including liberty, democracy, culture, heritage and history etc. Perhaps we are naturally inclined to protect ‘territory’ and the familiar. Typically, Rule Britannia includes the words: ‘Thee haughty tyrants ne’er shall tame: All their attempts to bend thee… Continue reading Patriotism Part 20

The SNP Evil in Scotland Part 10

The SNP are all tweeting about joining ‘Europe’. They know that joining the EU is a 10-15 year project fraught with austerity and adoption of firstly a new currency, then the Euro. All this would be exposed in a campaign and few would vote for it. It’s a Gordian knot for them.

The Fall of the Cabal (The Dawn of a New World) Part 9

Where I feel this falls down is there are too many people of what I consider sincere Principle in Life that are getting shot down! I understand the focus of the video, I actually don’t agree with it, but I do strongly agree in the right of Free Speech and a great speech is made… Continue reading The Fall of the Cabal (The Dawn of a New World) Part 9

Western Culture under Attack Part 49

Marx thought that the workers of The World would unite one day to overthrow capitalism. As it turned out, it was the ruling classes from around The World who united – hoping to control workers, forever. Resist “The Great Reset.”