When it comes to the allegations of industrial fraud, that of manipulation of vote totals by tabulation machines and of the introduction of fraudulent ballots on a large scale to provide the paper ballot backup to the machine manipulation, it’s nye on impossible to prove this in such a short time. Perhaps the most public… Continue reading The Biden Betrayal of Democracy Part 47
Category: Society and Culture
Mar 2021. Sturgeon Misled the Committee
The Scottish first minister, Nicola Sturgeon, told Sky News on Thursday evening she stood by all her evidence to the committee. What has been clear is that opposition members of this committee made their minds up about me before I uttered a single word of evidence. Their public comments have made that clear,’ she said. So… Continue reading Mar 2021. Sturgeon Misled the Committee
Cultural Marxism Part 1
I have often witnessed Christians speaking past each other on the topic of ‘justice’ because there are different schools of thought that have parallel meanings and may even use similar words but are actually polar opposites ideologically. “White privilege” is one of the phrases that gets bandied about. ‘Social justice’ is another activist movement which… Continue reading Cultural Marxism Part 1
The Biden Betrayal of Democracy Part 46
Wood lays out the Georgia fraud but lards his suits with the same ‘Kraken’ stuff and then accompanies his efforts with endless and quite nasty personal attacks on judges and the very Georgia Republican politicians he is attempting to get courts to rule against. This is tactical stupidity and so some of the legitimate and… Continue reading The Biden Betrayal of Democracy Part 46
Patriotism Part 24
We can have good reasons for being patriotic towards our country and people. British patriotism, arising from empiricism, can help us, individually and as a country, to be prosperous in a competitive world, safe in a dangerous world and happier, comfortable with ourselves and at peace with each other. Indeed the Best of British can… Continue reading Patriotism Part 24
The Alba Second Front Evil in Scotland Part 3
You game the Scottish system by having different parties competing for the constituency vote and the list vote. This works particularly well for the SNP, which wins nearly all of the constituency seats, but the principle applies also to Pro UK parties. This is the logic behind All for Unity. The way to maximise the… Continue reading The Alba Second Front Evil in Scotland Part 3
The Biden Betrayal of Democracy Part 45
In the case of Georgia, several of the failed suits were filed by Sidney Powell and Atlanta based defamation attorney Lin Wood. Powell’s suits invoke her “Kraken” which comprises allegations of the vast global network of foreign interference and control of the Dominion machines. Proving allegations like this are best left to the heads of… Continue reading The Biden Betrayal of Democracy Part 45
Mar 2021. The Salmond Sturgeon Saga Part 15
Despite Scotland suffering heavily under the weight of the Covid pandemic, Ms Sturgeon has persisted with her independence ambitions throughout the crisis. In January her nationalist party set up an independence “taskforce” in anticipation of a second referendum. And launching her election campaign this week, she focused on giving Scots another chance to vote to… Continue reading Mar 2021. The Salmond Sturgeon Saga Part 15
The SNP Evil in Scotland Part 16
Wee “Jimmy Krankie” aka Nicola Sturgeon is playing a blinder with the Scottish people by whipping up another indyref – cunning plan is to force the hand of UK Government to fund their cash demands North of the border – as for rejoining EU, Spain would veto because of problems re Catalonia. https://vk.com/video503532632_456240776 [user-submitted-posts]
The US Election Fraud in Georgia Part 15
The Georgia State Legislature also has the distinction of holding the most hearings on voter fraud and those hearings have been official in that authorized State Senate Committee chairs have convened them under normal committee meeting rules on the premises of the State Legislature. Also, in the GA hearings, Democrat legislators have been present and… Continue reading The US Election Fraud in Georgia Part 15