May 2021. The Scottish Election

It was established in 1999 to debate issues and make laws for Scotland. A total of 129 MSPs are elected to the Parliament – often referred to as Holyrood, after the area of Edinburgh where the parliament building stands. They debate and pass laws on devolved issues – these include most aspects of day-to-day life… Continue reading May 2021. The Scottish Election

The SNP Evil in Scotland Part 23

An SNP Failure – “introduce a Local Income Tax set at 3p. This will apply at both the basic and higher income tax rate and will not be levied on savings income. Second homes will continue to be liable to local tax and will make the same level of contribution as present, with payments made… Continue reading The SNP Evil in Scotland Part 23

The Biden Betrayal of Democracy Part 50

On Wednesday 30th December last year, at the 2nd Georgia State Legislature hearing, more of that evidence was forthcoming and it was more definitively compelling and sparked a response that somewhat reinforces the allegations of fraud. Perhaps the most compelling 20 minutes of testimony came from three members of the Data Integrity Group (DIG).  Their… Continue reading The Biden Betrayal of Democracy Part 50

Terrorism in Northern Ireland Part 2

It’s slow business for global terrorists these days with all the targets banged up under Covid house arrest. But there’s one place in the United Kingdom where it has been pretty much business as usual for violent extremism. Northern Ireland’s police service has just released its security assessment for 2020. This contains some startling information… Continue reading Terrorism in Northern Ireland Part 2

The SNP Evil in Scotland Part 21

An SNP Failure – “The SNP believes there should be an end to the automatic release of offenders. We support the recent legislation in this area and in government will drive forward this important area” – SNP 2011 Manifesto, page 63 PROMISE BROKEN. Kenny MacAskill stated in PQ answer on 14th January: “the draft budget… Continue reading The SNP Evil in Scotland Part 21

The Biden Betrayal of Democracy Part 49

What was presented by the Trump campaign to members of the Georgia Legislature at the first set of GA hearings held on December 3rd, the GA Secretary of State’s office and a number of liberal fact check sites were quick out of the blocks with denials and explanations and if you are a Trump supporter… Continue reading The Biden Betrayal of Democracy Part 49

Terrorism in Northern Ireland Part 1

Sectarian violence in Northern Ireland flared for three decades during "the Troubles," pictured here. Even today, uneasy feelings simmer among those who live there.

There is a great deal of half truth lies and pure propaganda peddled about the conflict in Northern Ireland that has to date led to the deaths of nearly 4,000 people mostly in Ulster. This would be comparable with over 100,000 deaths if the conflict was being fought in England and over a million if… Continue reading Terrorism in Northern Ireland Part 1

The SNP Evil in Scotland Part 20

An SNP Failure – “match the current [Labour’s] school building programme brick for brick” – SNP 2011 Manifesto, page 53 PROMISE BROKEN. The SNP have tried to claim credit for opening schools that were commissioned, paid for and started by the last Labour government. They number of schools they have commissioned falls significantly below the… Continue reading The SNP Evil in Scotland Part 20