Jordan Peterson – The Culture Wars Part 5

Most intriguing are Jordan Peterson’s remarks on new media. “For the first time in human history the spoken word has the same reach as the written word, and there are no barriers to entry. That’s a Gutenberg revolution,” he said. “That’s a big deal. This is a game changer. The podcast world is also a… Continue reading Jordan Peterson – The Culture Wars Part 5

Jun 2021. Trade Deal with Australia Part 2

Britain and Australia have agreed a trade deal – the first negotiated from scratch post-Brexit. The UK-Australia free trade deal, which has been agreed by Prime Minister Boris Johnson and his counterpart, Scott Morrison, means British products such as cars, Scotch whisky, biscuits and ceramics will be cheaper to sell to Australia. [user-submitted-posts]

Jun 2021. The Covid Vaccination of Children

The coronavirus vaccine rollout in the UK has been hailed a success so far, but as the Covid jab priority groups are given their doses, researchers are also looking into giving children and kids the Covid-19 vaccine in the future. As it stands, only those aged 18 and over are entitled to get the immunisation… Continue reading Jun 2021. The Covid Vaccination of Children

Jun 2021. School Mobile Phone Ban

Mobile phones should be banned from schools because lockdown has affected children’s “discipline and order,” the education secretary has warned. Gavin Williamson told The Telegraph phones should not be “used or seen during the school day”, though he said schools should make their own policies. [user-submitted-posts]

Media Bias Part 14

In the past few years we’ve witnessed the sort of things the BBC was made for: a Western political crisis in the middle of a global health and economic crisis. Throw in a landmark US presidential election and the UK’s final transition out of the European Union and 2020 is a news editor’s dream. The… Continue reading Media Bias Part 14

The Fall of the Cabal Sequel Part 9

Bill Gates’ obsession with genetically modifying everything he can lay his hands on is exposed.  Also, his secret collaboration with U.S. Army biowarfare research is revealed. In 2016, Gates determined that the chickens that African farmers raised were too skinny and their eggs too small, so he set about developing a new species.  The African… Continue reading The Fall of the Cabal Sequel Part 9

Jun 2021. Tornado Down

Flight Lieutenant John Nichol was shot down on 17 January 1991 on the first low-level daylight raid of Operation Desert Storm. He was captured, tortured and paraded on television by the Iraqis. [user-submitted-posts]

Jun 2021. Shamima Begum Part 1

Ms Begum is one of three east London schoolgirls who travelled to Syria in February 2015 and supported the Islamic State group (IS). She was born in the UK to parents of Bangladeshi heritage and was 15 when she left. Ms Begum travelled via Turkey to IS headquarters in Raqqa, where she married a Dutch… Continue reading Jun 2021. Shamima Begum Part 1

Jun 2021. England Manager argues for The Knee

England manager Gareth Southgate says the act of taking a knee is still hugely powerful and called on players to continue making the gesture to keep the fight against racial inequality and injustice at the forefront of people’s minds. [user-submitted-posts]