Oct 2021. Woke Attacks on our Culture

Woke culture warriors are a noisy minority but they risk tearing the UK apart.Throwing around baseless allegations of racism and white privilege will lead to deep US-style social divisions. And social media platforms need to be held to account better for fuelling divisive movements. The experts found that cancel culture had exploded in the last… Continue reading Oct 2021. Woke Attacks on our Culture

Oct 2021. The Migrant Invasion

Action against the Migrant Invasion is Required as the UK Border Force is incompetent, understaffed and on ‘Clown-world’ grade orders to traitorously bring migrants to our shores. The EU meanwhile openly and deliberately facilitates such crossings and allows migrants that enter in Italy to cross Europe unchecked. https://vk.com/video677203037_456239107

Oct 2021. The NHS Crisis

Despite numerous new funding pledges in recent years, a welcome change from years of austerity, it remains the consensus that the new money is not enough. After almost a decade of underfunding, the NHS continues to struggle and the money promised to it does not allow for preparations for the future. The unprecedented coronavirus pandemic… Continue reading Oct 2021. The NHS Crisis

Oct 2021. A Debate on the NHS

It is time to bring about a fundamental shift in how the NHS is reformed, learning from what has and has not worked in England and elsewhere. Politics and policy work on different cycles, which results in short-term political initiatives getting in the way of the long-term policy commitments needed to deliver transformational change. Large-scale… Continue reading Oct 2021. A Debate on the NHS