The Biden Betrayal of Democracy Part 62

We have good reasons to think the authorities aren’t great at catching errors. By contrast, we don’t have any good reasons for thinking these were actually errors. The fact that all stories about such errors each favoured Biden is reasonably improbable to happen by chance (12.5%). But it’s highly probable given mass election fraud, and… Continue reading The Biden Betrayal of Democracy Part 62

Nov 2021. Have we let our Veterans Down

Research of the Civilian population during the Second World War as found that they despise what has become of the Britain they once fought to save. It’s not our country any more, they say, in sorrow and anger. Many hark back to the days when ‘people kept the laws and were polite and courteous. We… Continue reading Nov 2021. Have we let our Veterans Down

Nov 2021. COP26 Part 6

The countries who have signed the deforestation pledge – including Canada, Brazil, Russia, China, Indonesia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the US and the UK  – cover around 85% of the world’s forests. Some of the funding will go to developing countries to restore damaged land, tackle wildfires and support indigenous communities. Governments of… Continue reading Nov 2021. COP26 Part 6

Nov 2021. COP26 Part 5

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who is hosting the global meeting in Glasgow, said “more leaders than ever before” – a total of 110 – had made the “landmark” deforestation commitment.”We have to stop the devastating loss of our forests,” he said – and “end the role of humanity as nature’s conqueror, and instead become… Continue reading Nov 2021. COP26 Part 5

Trump over Biden Part 44

Biden, who is about to turn 79-year-old this month, is one of the oldest-ever serving presidents. He hasn’t released a full and complete medical check-up report since 2019 when announcing his presidential campaign. Meanwhile, liberal media worked overtime to justify the president taking a cat nap in front of world leaders, with MSNBC White House… Continue reading Trump over Biden Part 44

Education Not Sexualisation

Concerns about easy access to pornography, an over-sexualised culture and low self-esteem and body image were voiced repeatedly at teacher. They say they are worried about pupils growing up in a culture where pornographic images are widely available and teenagers felt pressured to have a “perfect” body.

Nov 2021. The Pedantic Pronoun Police

Every once in a while some concerned citizen decides to do something about the fact that English has no gender-neutral pronoun. They either call for such a pronoun to be invented, or they invent one and champion its adoption. Wordsmiths have been coining gender-neutral pronouns for a century and a half, all to no avail.… Continue reading Nov 2021. The Pedantic Pronoun Police

The Biden Betrayal of Democracy Part 61

Election officials have said that these errors being caught is evidence that they are really good at catching errors. But there are at least two good reasons to doubt this. First, these errors were all huge and it seems unlikely that people only make huge errors and never small ones, so the lack of stories… Continue reading The Biden Betrayal of Democracy Part 61

Nov 2021. COP26 Part 4

More than 100 world leaders have promised to end and reverse deforestation by 2030, in the COP26 climate summit’s first major deal. Brazil – where stretches of the Amazon rainforest have been cut down – was among the signatories on Tuesday. The pledge includes almost £14bn ($19.2bn) of public and private funds. Experts welcomed the… Continue reading Nov 2021. COP26 Part 4