The Media against Cummings Part 3

More and more we’re finding Justice gets pushed aside for the Political Motive. I’m old enough to remember when people like Jeremy Paxman did a very Professional Job at Questioning the Politician, and he often got the Answers, he was at the Edge. The so called Journalists that have followed him have crossed that Edge.… Continue reading The Media against Cummings Part 3

The Antifa and Co Power Push Part 2

An Australian court has banned a Black Lives Matter protest that was planned this weekend in Sydney, saying it posed a coronavirus health risk. New South Wales (NSW) Police had sought a court order to halt it. Thousands were expected to attend the rally in solidarity with US protests over the killing of George Floyd… Continue reading The Antifa and Co Power Push Part 2

May 2020. Anger over George Floyd Death

May 2020. The US has been convulsed by nationwide protests over the death of an African-American man in police custody. George Floyd, 46, died after being arrested by police outside a shop in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Footage of the arrest on 25 May shows a white police officer, Derek Chauvin, kneeling on Mr Floyd’s neck while… Continue reading May 2020. Anger over George Floyd Death

The Antifa & Co Power Push Part 1

Hundreds of people attended a Black Lives Matter protest in Burton. Before the event, more than 200 people declared they would be attending on Facebook, while a further 300 said they were “interested” in attending. A number of protests have been planned across the country after civil unrest erupted in America following the death of… Continue reading The Antifa & Co Power Push Part 1

The Media against Cummings Part 2

Over the holiday weekend last week, opposition politicians, scientists, religious leaders and medical professionals all called for Cummings to Resign, saying his continued tenure showed there was one rule for the Elite and another for everybody else. Members of the government’s behavioural science advisory group said they were concerned about the public health message sent… Continue reading The Media against Cummings Part 2

The Media against Cummings Part 1

The British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has faced a full-blown political crisis after his most senior aide Dominic Cummings admitted he drove more than 260 miles from London to Durham and back with his family, while suspecting he was infected with COVID-19, at a time when the country was under strict lockdown measures to prevent… Continue reading The Media against Cummings Part 1

The SNP Ain’t Scotland Part 4

The SNP likes to consider itself politically radical – an anti-establishment insurgency that would run Scotland more virtuously, more harmoniously, more Scottishly, than the British state has managed for the past 300 or so years. That the SNP has been in government for 13 years – by which time Alexander the Great had no more… Continue reading The SNP Ain’t Scotland Part 4

The SNP Ain’t Scotland Part 3

An SNP candidate dropped over alleged antisemitic comments has won a Westminster seat despite the party’s withdrawal of support. Neale Hanvey was the SNP candidate for the Kirkcaldy and Cowdenbeath constituency but was dropped in the run-up to Thursday’s poll after social media posts he made two years ago came to light. Despite his suspension,… Continue reading The SNP Ain’t Scotland Part 3

May 2020. The Queen on VE Day

May 2020. The Queen has addressed the nation to commemorate the 75th anniversary of VE Day. The monarch’s pre-recorded message marks the exact moment her father, King George VI, gave a radio address 75 years ago. She said: “We are still a nation those brave soldiers, sailors and airmen would recognise and admire.” I’m not… Continue reading May 2020. The Queen on VE Day

May 2020. The Day before VE 75

May 2020. Victory in Europe Day, or VE Day, marked the end of the Second World War in Europe, when Germany surrendered to the Allied armies. Many European countries – including the UK – usually celebrate the day with commemorative events and military parades.This year marks the 75th anniversary of VE Day. Celebrations would have… Continue reading May 2020. The Day before VE 75