Western Culture under Attack Part 2

Kenneth Schultz in “Western Civilization Under Siege,” exposes the existential threats to Western nations, and indeed Western civilization. Schultz puts forward powerful arguments that some of these threats, if not taken seriously and dealt with accordingly, will ultimately usher in the end of the freedoms and lifestyles enjoyed by the citizens of many Western countries,… Continue reading Western Culture under Attack Part 2

Jul 2020. Portland Riots

EDS NOTE: OBSCENITY - Black Lives Matter protesters try to extinguish a fire set by fellow protesters at the Mark O. Hatfield United States Courthouse on Wednesday, July 22, 2020, in Portland, Ore. (AP Photo/Noah Berger)

July 2020. At the end of May, rioting and looting broke out in Portland, Ore., as it did in dozens of other American cities in response to the police-involved death of George Floyd. In one night, hundreds of rioters ravaged downtown, breaking into jewelry stores, the mall and banks. They left a trail of broken… Continue reading Jul 2020. Portland Riots

Western Culture under Attack Part 1

Our two most valuable assets are space and liberty. Only Western-style civilisation allows us our individual sovereignty, which we must protect at all costs. Western civilization has evolved over centuries, establishing itself on two firm foundation principles: Judaea-Christianity and democracy. A threat to either is a threat to all that we stand for. Whether or… Continue reading Western Culture under Attack Part 1

Jul 2020. Confederate Flag Banned in US

July 2020. The national protest movement that has erupted in the wake of George Floyd’s death has rekindled a fire under the cultural tinderbox known as the American Confederacy. In the past week, public officials, military leaders and sports executives have made moves to take down Confederate statues and ban the Confederate flag, iconography that remains inextricably linked to… Continue reading Jul 2020. Confederate Flag Banned in US

UK Culture under Direct Attack Part 22

Since top-flight football is a highly-capitalistic realm which pays its stars hundreds of thousands of pounds per week, is sponsored by some of the world’s most lucrative brands and relies on the police to maintain public safety at matches, it’s not hard to see why the Premier League might object. That’s not all. On Twitter,… Continue reading UK Culture under Direct Attack Part 22

BBC Bias Part 6

On 29 May, The Mail Online reported that the BBC had announced that Richard Sambrook, former head of BBC global news, will be heading an inquiry into whether tweets by BBC talent breach its impartiality policy. Sambrook has been in BBC News and Current Affairs for thirty years. For those of us who have been… Continue reading BBC Bias Part 6

UK Culture under Direct Attack Part 21

It seems they have cottoned on to what many have been stating for almost a fortnight now: That, like so many other noble causes from environmentalism to human rights, the Black Lives Matter movement is fast being hijacked by Left-wing extremists who now wish to use it to advance a rackety and in many ways… Continue reading UK Culture under Direct Attack Part 21

UK Culture under Direct Attack Part 20

Players, who have dutifully been ‘taking the knee’ before every recent game, also have growing misgivings about @UKBLM, as MailSport revealed yesterday. Their view is summed up by former Wolves player Karl Henry, who said: ‘The majority of the UK has now had enough of that organisation.’ Dissent is also being heard in the commentary… Continue reading UK Culture under Direct Attack Part 20

The SNP Ain’t Scotland Part 8

STV has launched an internal investigation after the broadcaster released a video of children praising Nicola Sturgeon for “keeping them safe” during the coronavirus pandemic. A series of clips from the video were posted on Twitter yesterday before being taken down following a number of complaints. Some compared it to the sort of brainwashing media… Continue reading The SNP Ain’t Scotland Part 8