Nigel Farage meets Douglas Murray Part 6

Douglas Murray talking to Nigel Farage on the Critics of the UK – “We are listening to Critics who do not have our best interests at heart. I listen to my friends, my family and my loved ones because I know they desire me well, they want me to do well. I don’t listen to… Continue reading Nigel Farage meets Douglas Murray Part 6

What is White Privilege Part 5

The transformation has been bewilderingly swift. Six years ago, most Americans thought that police killings of black suspects were “isolated events”. Now, the Left Wing Media has the people think three out of four accept that there exists a systemic problem. Where did these figures come from? You got it, the Left Wing Media. Support… Continue reading What is White Privilege Part 5

Nigel Farage meets Douglas Murray Part 5

Nigel Farage to Douglas Murray – “What are we gonna do to get our Universities back to where they need to be?” I’m a great believer in Truth, I honestly believe that Truth has an extraordinary ability to Cut Through in the end. On the Migration Question , we haven’t asked the Big Question. We… Continue reading Nigel Farage meets Douglas Murray Part 5

Coronavirus and Diversity Issues Part 2

During the Pandemic of the Coronavirus, when we were in Lockdown, it was Observed. I worked through it and I was often the only one on the train! But then there was the George Floyd thing in America and the Marxists were waiting to Jump. BLM is against our Society but I won’t go into… Continue reading Coronavirus and Diversity Issues Part 2

George Galloway – SNP Don’t Speak for Scotland Part 1

For the SNP, it is independence first, second and always. Nationalist politicians would do well to understand that their own priorities are at odds with the people of Scotland. We know this from the latest opinion polling. Voters were asked to rank issues in order of which they thought should be the most important for… Continue reading George Galloway – SNP Don’t Speak for Scotland Part 1

Nigel Farage meets Douglas Murray Part 4

Douglas Murray talking to Nigel Farage – “The Suspicion of Grand Ideas is a Good Suspicion to have because when people come at you with a good idea that they know better than you how you should live your life, you should run a million miles!  But sometimes you live in an Era complete with… Continue reading Nigel Farage meets Douglas Murray Part 4

Nigel Farage meets Douglas Murray Part 3

Nigel Farage to Douglas Murray – “Think about the Media in this country, think about our big Corporate Businesses, these are the Educated Groups, these are the People that know the Truth about Britain and the Relationship with Slavery as opposed to the rest of the World. How is it that I can appear a… Continue reading Nigel Farage meets Douglas Murray Part 3

Coronavirus and Diversity Issues Part 1

There are a number of areas in Europe and the UK that are suffering Hotspots with regards the Coronavirus. We get blasted that Ethnic Minorities have and are suffering far more and the questions of Poverty and Equality get raised. What is never mentioned is the Diversity Issues. Why is it never observed that Muslims… Continue reading Coronavirus and Diversity Issues Part 1

Nigel Farage meets Douglas Murray Part 2

Nigel Farage meets Douglas Murray –  Mr Farage on BLM – “I can’t stand the tearing down of statues, mob rule, there a picture of a woman innocently sitting outside a restaurant and being surrounded by a mob and it was compared to 1933 in Germany where people had to raise their right arm in… Continue reading Nigel Farage meets Douglas Murray Part 2