Debunking Identity Politics – Heather MacDonald Part 1

Heather MacDonald talks to Dave Rubin about her Conservative Beliefs and why she can hold them as Valid and be an Atheist. She feels that holding a Religious View or Not, isn’t the Point, the point is Conservatism.

Sep 2020. Italy and Malta Refuse Migrants Entry

Some 180 sea migrants are “in limbo” in the Mediterranean because Italy and Malta are refusing to take them in, sea rescue charity SOS Mediterranee said Thursday. Frederic Penard, operations director of SOS Mediterranee, said the charity had sent five requests to Italy and Malta, each time without success. Rescue organizations have restarted missions in… Continue reading Sep 2020. Italy and Malta Refuse Migrants Entry

Trump Over Biden Part 3

Arrests for illegal border crossings into the United States dropped again in December 2019, the seventh consecutive month they have declined. The fact you probably haven’t heard about this in the media is likely because it is a big win for President Trump — and that’s one reason why so many Trump backers have tuned… Continue reading Trump Over Biden Part 3

Enoch Powell and Repatriation Part 3

It has been 50 years since British shadow defence secretary Enoch Powell gave his “rivers of blood” speech on April 20, 1968. To mark the half-centenary, the BBC broadcast his speech for the first time in full, on the radio. The decision caused outrage from those who would rather the speech, and its popularity at… Continue reading Enoch Powell and Repatriation Part 3

Western Culture under Attack Part 21

Perhaps the most alarming thing about @BLMUK is that the people behind it remain anonymous. Despite having raised £1million, the group has no leader, no board of trustees or directors, no website, no address, no spokesman and no presence at Companies House, the Government’s registry of UK firms. It is not a registered charity and… Continue reading Western Culture under Attack Part 21

BBC Bias Part 7

This is an understatement. Too many BBC reporters and presenters think they are addressing like-minded people, especially about Brexit, Johnson and Cummings. Damazer is wrong. Bias is not “rarely an issue”. It is a growing issue, on Twitter and on air. Why are there so many interviewees from Novara Media, an unrepresentative Leftist organisation? Why… Continue reading BBC Bias Part 7

Western Culture under Attack Part 20

Protests have erupted across the United States in the past few days following the death of an unarmed black man in police custody. George Floyd was killed by a Minneapolis police officer who knelt on the man’s neck, suffocating him to death. Floyd’s death, the latest in a line of killings of African-Americans by law… Continue reading Western Culture under Attack Part 20

George Galloway – SNP Don’t Speak for Scotland Part 4

Most Scots know that we are stronger together and want to build a successful economic future based on our shared culture, history and institutions. Institutions such as our currency – the pound. Today, the SNP will vote to scrap the pound and adopt a new currency in an independent Scotland, putting salaries, mortgages and pensions… Continue reading George Galloway – SNP Don’t Speak for Scotland Part 4

Enoch Powell and Repatriation Part 2

The UKIP Wales Leader Neil Hamilton has said, “…although Powell was sacked while the Tories were in opposition, when Mr Heath later became prime minister he introduced a scheme for “voluntary repatriation of immigrants” in 1971. “The idea that Enoch Powell was some kind of uniquely racist villain is absolute nonsense,” Mr Hamilton told the… Continue reading Enoch Powell and Repatriation Part 2

George Galloway – SNP Don’t Speak for Scotland Part 3

The People of Scotland remember the division and the toxic atmosphere from 2014 and they don’t want to go through that again any time soon. And they certainly don’t want to go through it while the country is still divided over Brexit. Whatever your views on Brexit, we can all agree that it has revealed… Continue reading George Galloway – SNP Don’t Speak for Scotland Part 3