Trump entered the White House promising to reverse Obama-era efforts to fight climate change as part of a broader strategy to slash environmental red tape that he viewed as an obstacle to business and to the U.S. fossil fuel industry in particular. He initiated the U.S. withdrawal from the 2015 Paris Agreement, the international accord… Continue reading Trump over Biden Part 20
Category: Society and Culture
Media Bias Part 1
The times we are presently living in are the sort of times the BBC was made for: a Western political crisis in the middle of a global health and economic crisis. Throw in a landmark US presidential election and the UK’s final transition out of the European Union and 2020 is a news editor’s dream.… Continue reading Media Bias Part 1
The Biden Betrayal of Democracy Part 10
Sky News is owned by Comcast Corporation. They donated $300,000 to the Joe Biden Election Campaign and even hosted a Fund Raiser. Ever wonder why Sky are so anti Trump?
The SNP Ain’t Scotland Part 16
The SNP has become the Sorrow of Scotland: an incompetent cabal driven by a divisive and malign Nationalist Socialist ideology, implementing destructive policies that have seen vital areas like the economy, education, health and justice wrecked. It is doing real harm to tens of thousands of Scots, but the callous SNP sees that as a price worth paying to tear… Continue reading The SNP Ain’t Scotland Part 16
The Biden Betrayal of Democracy Part 9
You are being Brainwashed to accept the results of the US Election as fair. You will be told that only bad people are sceptical in this situation, and that you will be held to account for doubting.
Trump over Biden Part 19
Trump, during his time as President has reshaped the US Judiciary. The appointments, all for life, have led to the ideological “flip” of three of the country’s 13 federal appeals courts, one level below the Supreme Court. The Atlanta-based 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, the Manhattan-based 2nd Circuit and the Philadelphia-based 3rd Circuit all… Continue reading Trump over Biden Part 19
The Biden Betrayal of Democracy Part 8
James Woods – The left can put whipped cream on shit all they want, but 70,000,000 Americans are Outraged about this befouled election. We don’t accept this fraudulent result, and none of us is inclined to bury the hatchet with a mob that Lied, Cheated, Burned and Looted to get their way.
Western Culture Under Attack Part 33
During a press conference, Pittsburgh Police Chief Scott Schubert said he’s “willing to bet his check” that “there’s a lot of people who are anarchists” who cause “damage and injury.” He added, “It’s just a damn shame that they took advantage of the situation, for something [that] happened in another state where somebody died who… Continue reading Western Culture Under Attack Part 33
The Biden Betrayal of Democracy Part 7
I live in Scotland and I’ve been watching the US Election with one hell of a lot of interest. The Media are doing their Propaganda that Biden is the President-Elect, but He Ain’t! That is one of their Numerous Lies. The varied Voter Fraud that went on, all Democrats of whichever shade should be Screaming… Continue reading The Biden Betrayal of Democracy Part 7
Trump over Biden Part 18
Working in lockstep with the Republican-controlled Senate, Trump may have the longest-lasting impact on the federal courts with judicial appointees who tilt to the right. In less than four years, Trump has appointed three justices to the Supreme Court, a feat last achieved by President Richard Nixon, who appointed four in his first four years.… Continue reading Trump over Biden Part 18