009. Jordan Peterson on the Radical Left Part 7

Jordan Peterson is asked about Relationships, “Well it is Trouble life is trouble, and it’s Troubled to Establish a Permanent Relationship. I mean, we’ve told young people for far too long that while they should be Happy in their Relationships let’s say, and it’s like that’s a week!” Talking to the audience he continues,‭ “‬Most… Continue reading 009. Jordan Peterson on the Radical Left Part 7

009. Jordan Peterson on the Radical Left Part 6

Jordan Peterson is asked about Hope, “It’s such a Perverse sort of Hope.‭ ‬Because I would say for the last forty five years we’ve told Psychologists you’re okay the way you are!‭ ‬That’s what we tell young people!‭ ‬Well, you’re okay the way you are! It’s like, and there’s nothing Worse than you can tell… Continue reading 009. Jordan Peterson on the Radical Left Part 6

009. Jordan Peterson on the Radical Left Part 5

Jordan Peterson gets Emotional, “And we also know that it’s Better to Live Courageously than Cowardly. Everyone knows that,‭ t‬hat’s what you teach people that you love!‭ ‬And we know that it’s Better to Live Truthfully than in Deceit.‭ ‬And you can tell that too, because that’s Also what you tell people that you love!… Continue reading 009. Jordan Peterson on the Radical Left Part 5

009. Jordan Peterson on the Radical Left Part 4

Jordan Peterson sometimes Scares the Hell out of me, “Do you know how deep this War goes in some sense? I can give you an example.‭ ‬You know there’s a Free Debate about Free Speech on campus, but what you don’t understand is it isn’t a Debate about who can Speak.‭ ‬It’s a Debate about… Continue reading 009. Jordan Peterson on the Radical Left Part 4

009. Jordan Peterson on the Radical Left Part 3

Jordan Peterson, “It’s self manifest many times in the last Hundred years, the rise of this Group Identity Associated.‭ ‬Quasi Marxist viewpoint with this additional Toxic‭ M‬ixture and Paradoxical Mixture of post-modernism, the post modernists are Famous for being Skeptical of Meta Narratives. That means that they’re skeptical about the idea that Uniting large Narratives… Continue reading 009. Jordan Peterson on the Radical Left Part 3

009. Jordan Peterson on the Radical Left Part 2

Jordan Peterson on the Radical Left – “The mainstream media so to speak is increasingly Desperate for Attention.‭ T‬here exists in a Shrinking Market with Shrinking Margins.‭ ‬All of the leading newspapers and magazines are feeling the pinch.‭ ‬Television is Dead because YouTube has everything that television has and then an incredible array of additional… Continue reading 009. Jordan Peterson on the Radical Left Part 2

009. Jordan Peterson on the Radical Left Part 1

Jordan Bernt Peterson is a Canadian clinical psychologist and a professor of psychology at the University of Toronto. His main areas of study are in abnormal, social, and personality psychology, with a particular interest in the psychology of religious and ideological belief and the assessment and improvement of personality and performance. He states, “People are… Continue reading 009. Jordan Peterson on the Radical Left Part 1

008. Brittany Pettibone with Tommy Robinson Part 10

Tommy Robinson is asked about his Future. “What’s next is with the help of my friends, my team I’m working with, we want to Rival National, no Destroy the Mainstream Media.‭ ‬We want to be the Voice, People know we’re in it for the Right Reasons. They know we bring them the Truth.‭ ‬They know… Continue reading 008. Brittany Pettibone with Tommy Robinson Part 10

008. Brittany Pettibone with Tommy Robinson Part 9

Brittany Pettibone asks Tommy Robinson if it Frightens Him that he could get Killed for Speaking Out. “I say that this is an Empowering Moment.‭ ‬You know these Jihadis, I see them waiting on Death Row in Kenya, and they were Laughing and Joking, Happy, and they didn’t care!‭ In the ‬first few years of… Continue reading 008. Brittany Pettibone with Tommy Robinson Part 9

008. Brittany Pettibone with Tommy Robinson Part 8

“I’ve then come out of Custody after 28‭ ‬days, and I’m safe, and I’ve sat down again with Probation Officer and she says, You think you Stopped It? I’ve just added another Five, Ten Minutes to my Speech, I’ve rearranged my speech for Oxford University.‭ So then they’re back up to see me and they… Continue reading 008. Brittany Pettibone with Tommy Robinson Part 8