015. Ann Widdecombe on Parliament and Brexit Part 7

Ann Widdecombe – “We’ll get our Dignity Back.‭ ‬We will Negotiate from a Position of Complete Independence.‭ ‬We will Trade all over the World on terms that We and They Decide, not on terms specified by the EU to Protect its own great Protectionist Block.‭ ‬Only those who have No Confidence in this country can… Continue reading 015. Ann Widdecombe on Parliament and Brexit Part 7

015. Ann Widdecombe on Parliament and Brexit Part 6

Ann Widdecombe – “We’ve had Three Years to prepare for a Clean Break.‭ ‬Months Ago,‭ ‬not yesterday,‭ ‬Months Ago,‭ ‬the Bank of England,‭ I mean they’re no friend ‬of Brexit!‭ ‬The Bank of England said that‭ ‬90 percent of British Businesses were Then ready for No Deal! The Head of the Port of Calais, and… Continue reading 015. Ann Widdecombe on Parliament and Brexit Part 6

015. Ann Widdecombe on Parliament and Brexit Part 5

Ann Widdecombe – “I used to be a member of a certain Party,‭ i‬t was called the Conservative Party.‭ ‬Quite what is it Conserving at the moment‭? ‬Certainly Not the Union‭ i‬f we’re going to have a Border down the Irish Sea! It suddenly doesn’t want to Conserve what’s left of our Independence in this… Continue reading 015. Ann Widdecombe on Parliament and Brexit Part 5

015. Ann Widdecombe on Parliament and Brexit Part 4

Ann Widdecombe, a Very Clever and Astute Lady, “They need to know that this country has not forgotten,‭ ‬even though they appear to have forgotten, in‭ ‬2016,‭ o‬n the day of the Referendum,‭ ‬we voted not to Half Leave,‭ ‬not to Quarter Leave,‭ ‬nor to Leave with Huge Qualifications,‭ ‬not to Sort of Stay‭ ‬but… Continue reading 015. Ann Widdecombe on Parliament and Brexit Part 4

015. Ann Widdecombe on Parliament and Brexit Part 3

Ann Widdecombe on the Parliament Treachery, “We’ve been told it’s sitting on Saturday to vote for the Deal and now we’re told,‭ N‬o,‭ ‬it’s sitting on Saturday to vote,‭ ‬not to vote for the Deal quite yet.‭ These People are ‬actually running the country!‭ ‬Now,‭ ‬it is a very Simple Message that we must give… Continue reading 015. Ann Widdecombe on Parliament and Brexit Part 3

015. Ann Widdecombe on Parliament and Brexit Part 2

Ann Widdecombe says, “I’m told that these Sensitive Souls in Parliament don’t really like words like Betrayal and Surrender.‭ ‬Well,‭ ‬if they don’t like words like surrender and betrayal,‭ ‬let them stop Betraying and Surrendering!‭ ‬Any MP who voted to take No Deal off the table,‭ ‬thereby Quite Deliberately weakening Britain’s Position at the Negotiating… Continue reading 015. Ann Widdecombe on Parliament and Brexit Part 2

015. Ann Widdecombe on Parliament and Brexit Part 1

Ann Widdecombe speaks for me here on her consideration of the Brexit Deal, “Can we have Brexit‭ a‬nd at the Same Time still be subject to the supremacy of EU Law‭? ‬Well,‭ ‬that is what this Agreement says.‭ ‬It says that in Any Dispute over Trade or other matters with the EU, EU‭ L‬aw will… Continue reading 015. Ann Widdecombe on Parliament and Brexit Part 1

014. George Galloway – Anti-Brexit Hypocracy of MPs Part 3

George Galloway is asked, “Whenever Brexit is hammered out,‭ ‬I suppose at some point in our Lifetimes, will Opposition Lawmakers,‭ w‬ill they be remembered as Opposition, or do you think they’ll be remembered as Obstructionists‭?” Mr Galloway responds, “‬Absolutely the latter.‭ ‬Everyone in Britain can see what’s going on.‭ ‬All of the Opinion Polls show… Continue reading 014. George Galloway – Anti-Brexit Hypocracy of MPs Part 3

014. George Galloway – Anti-Brexit Hypocracy of MPs Part 2

“Well,‭ ‬there’s a lot of Humbug,‭ ‬I’m afraid,‭ t‬alked about the Parliamentary Scrutiny.‭ ‬If you look at the pictures right now,‭ ‬half of the members of parliament supposedly Scrutinising it, are actually asleep!‭ ‬Some of them on the opposition frontbench sitting right next to the leader of the opposition.‭ ‬They’ve had more than three years.‭… Continue reading 014. George Galloway – Anti-Brexit Hypocracy of MPs Part 2

014. George Galloway – Anti-Brexit Hypocracy of MPs Part 1

George Galloway is asked if Boris Johnson is Right in putting an Ultimatum to Parliament and Vote on the Proposed Deal and then have an Election, “He’s absolutely right to be doing so.‭ ‬This Parliament has Forfeited any right to the Respect of the Public and it Has None.‭ ‬It’s almost universally Despised,‭ ‬not least… Continue reading 014. George Galloway – Anti-Brexit Hypocracy of MPs Part 1