May 2024. The Tory Migration Policy

EDITORS NOTE: IMAGE PIXELATED BY PA PICTURE DESK A Border Force vessel brings a group of people thought to be migrants into Dover, Kent, following a number of small boat incidents in The Channel.

On Way Home

We’ve just left a pit-stop in Birmingham. We’re on our way home. We left Torquay at 8.10am, and ETA is around 8pm, we’ll see. But that’s part of the holiday,  a wee adventure. Whilst on the coach I’ve been watching the Biden – Trump ‘event’, I’d say the later massacred Biden, but I’m biased. I’ve… Continue reading On Way Home

Categorised as Personal

Last Day in Torquay

We’ve been wandering about town all day, basically just enjoying the place, the weather, and the people. We’re now having a couple of pints in a pub we popped into on Tuesday afternoon and spent a lot of time in it when we were here a couple of years ago. To be honest it didn’t… Continue reading Last Day in Torquay

Categorised as Personal