“They put me on a Financial Restraining order, they Froze my Assets. They Closed my Companies. At the start of the English Defence League I owned Seven Properties and had Two Successful Businesses, from a plumbing business it turned over £400,000. So it was a Success. We were Successful. They Froze Everything. They Closed Everything. They used Laws that were introduced by the Labour Government to deal with Terrorists to deal with me, because I was Exposing and Talking about Crimes from the Islamic Community. So they done that. They seized my Assets and then they put me under an Order I was only allowed to spend £250 a week. And if I spent over that I am in Contempt of Court and go to Prison which was the most difficult thing to try and live with because I’ve always worked, and always had Ambition and always had my Next Focus on what I’m Doing.” A Blatant Example of the Establishment, the Government trying to Break Tommy Robinson. Thankfully it hasn’t Worked. Why try and Break Him? Because he was/is speaking out on the Crimes from the Islamic Community? Why were they Defending and Protecting Criminal Behaviour?