This is an understatement. Too many BBC reporters and presenters think they are addressing like-minded people, especially about Brexit, Johnson and Cummings. Damazer is wrong. Bias is not “rarely an issue”. It is a growing issue, on Twitter and on air. Why are there so many interviewees from Novara Media, an unrepresentative Leftist organisation? Why are panels so often unbalanced? Why does Newsnight recruit so many key figures from the Guardian, from former editor Ian Katz to political editors Allegra Stratton and Nick Watt and their current policy editor, Lewis Goodall. Newsnight, in particular, often seems as if it is addressing Guardian readers just when the Guardian’s circulation is in Free Fall. (Its circulation is now 130,484.) At a time when Britain is deeply divided over Brexit and Boris Johnson, the BBC too often takes one side and has inevitably alienated many listeners and viewers. I have never known a time when so many seem angry about having to pay the licence fee for programmes that denigrate their political views.
BBC Bias Part 7