BLM are attacking our Culture, it’s an odious organisation. Then there is the thorny issue of anti-Semitism. One of its founder members, Ewa Jasiewicz, was banned from speaking at one of Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour conferences after it emerged she had spray-painted ‘Liberate all ghettos’ and ‘Free Gaza and Palestine’ on one of the few remaining walls of the Warsaw ghetto in 2010 – where an estimated 92,000 Jews died in the Second World War. What’s more, @UKBLM’s Facebook page contains posts supporting the so-called BDS movement, which calls for a boycott of Israel over its treatment of Palestinians.In December, it publicised a demo against ‘the crimes of the Israeli defence forces’. And last year, it demanded Eurovision be moved from what it dubbed ‘Apartheid Israel’.
Western Culture under Attack Part 9