Dr Bill Warner – The Reality of Political Islam Part 6

Dr Bill Warner – “The Muslim will Commandeer the Street for Prayer…well you would say this is Religious. The prayer is religion but commandeering the street is a Political Action…I bet you if I come to your home town and you and I go out and get another half a dozen friends and we start blocking the roads, I bet we’ll meet some police…but if you’re a Muslim and want to blockade the street, well we have to be Tolerant. Why do we have to tolerate people blockading the streets, I don’t care if they pray or not…but why do they commandeer public places to do it? Simple, it is a Political Action and Assertion of Power.” Dr Warner explains how Muslims Justify and Get Away with their behaviour – “If Islam is a separate society and a complete civilisation, it needs its own set of Laws, wouldn’t this make sense? And as a matter of fact the Koran insists that this is true and so does Muhammad. Once Islam moves in, everything needs to be judged on the basis of the Koran…so that’s what we need to be looking at, is the devine life of Muhammad and he will Show and Guide in all things. And one of those things is the Sharia. Now, when you ask Muslims about Sharia, they say, oh it’s just how we practice our Religion, and there is Truth in that…about a quarter of it, what are the other Three Quarters about? Well, how Wills are to be written, how Justice is to be served, and there’s a whole codification on Justice, and one of the most interesting things about the Sharia is that under the Sharia…the place for the non-muslim is as a Demi, a Demi is one who doesn’t have any political rights and can practice their religion in the home, but not in public. So the Demi is a Second Rate, Second Class citizen, and that’s who we are in the Sharia.” MultiCulturalism ain’t Working and We and our Culture are Under Threat.


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