Globalism increases corruption. It increases corruption on the international and national level. The primary beneficiaries of globalism and globalization are: Multinational corporations, Financial Investors and Politicians. This is because multinational corporations receive the huge tax breaks and economies of scale to totally dominate the world market. The financial investors use financial speculation and international trade agreements to make millions while others barely survive. And politicians get the bribes and campaign support by multinational corporations by promising they will further their agenda or support their international business practices. Notice anyone missing? Oh yeah, what about the average Individual? The worker in China? The small business owner? They don’t see any benefit from globalism or globalization. But of course they don’t, because globalism was never meant for them. It was meant to create a global economy that the powerful can control. Local national leaders/politicians will ignore environmental concerns in the interest of big business. Corruption runs rampant among financial executives who attempt to hide or conceal taxes and other multinational “tricks”. It’s rotten to the core. We can’t control these people either, because they aren’t elected or reside in different countries. So we have to support, or at least ignore, the rampant corruption that globalism causes.
My War on Globalism 18