Tommy Robinson talks about a Telegraph Reporter being all Excited about doing an article on the John Sweeney Panorama Fraud, but his Editor told him he can’t report on it. A Total News Blackout!. Tommy Robinson points out all the Prominant Journalists in the UK who are Congratulating Sweeney for his Panorama Expose on Robinson, yet Robinson Proved it All Lies! Robinson points out that Sweeney tried for Revenge on him after the BBC Sacked him but Cutting and Editing video to make him look like a Nazi. Tommy shows us the Fraud Footage of Sweeney seeming to show Robinson as a Nazi and then Mr Robinson shows us the actual footage and it’s Perfectly Innocent, he says “The point I was making was that the German People should have Stopped Adolf Hitler, and many of them now feel Guilty for their Past, I believe Future Generations will feel Guilty for what Angela Merkel has done to Europe, and I was saying they need to Stop It” He elaborates on the News Distortions, the Cutting and Editing of Video to make it Appear he’s saying something that he’s not, and he shows the Transmitted Slanderous Footage along with the Actual Footage as Proof on what he’s saying. But he makes the matter clear, the Establishment have Restricted his Social Media deliberately, so he is now no longer able to Counter the Fake News about him. We are living in Dangerous Times.