And it’s the last day of the year, 2022 hasn’t been good, well since 2020 we ain’t had much luck have we. I’m off from the day job for the next four days, I need to get a lot of work done on this site. I’ve gained sixteen files from the Sky Box and they’re foldered and titled, they need an edit and such. I don’t seem to gain the time to do what I really want to do and that is to research Political Islam, Globalism, Women’s Rights. I’m not here to moan. Us here in Scotland have been suffering for years at the hands of the Nationalists. I originally thought Devolution a good idea, but the PR system used here ain’t fit for purpose. There’s no conversation, it’s all dictat. I was watching Neil Oliver’s monologue aired on Christmas Eve, I’m a big fan, I always end up with a tear, he really goes for the heart. His argument is we can all pull together, the Globalists have no control if we control ourselves, he says it far better of course, this is so true. I feel we have so many threats, not least here in Scotland with the Nationalists on about breaking up the Union and their progressive threats to Women’s Rights. In 2023 we need to gain a Leader with a Backbone, we need courage. I felt Liz Truss had it but she was betrayed. Betrayal has been all around us for some years now, we are being Invaded and we encourage it. When I say ‘we’, I don’t mean us the people, I mean the Elites, the Politicians, the Establishment. We no longer live in a Democracy. Today is the day I think of the year that has been, I think of my failures, I try to think of what I’ve gained, I try to think on how to improve myself although it’s getting a bit late being a few years over 60! I have no Hate in my heart, I don’t hate the people that want to cancel culture, change culture, teach children how to hate me because I’m white, no there is no hate, there is plenty Fear though. I’m a support worker for people who live in their own homes and have mental health issues. I don’t have a car, I walk all day going from one flat to the next and do what I do best, support, encourage, make happy. I see a lot that I fear like my female colleagues can’t work where I work, the SNP stopped publishing the rape stats some years ago. I’m looking forward to a whisky or five tonight. Doubt I’ll go out, I’m not a party animal although I’m a people person. Look, I didn’t mean to dribble on. Whatever your belief, whatever your culture, even if you want to destroy all I believe in, a Happy Hogmanay to you all.
Happy Hogmanay