Yesterday I got a crowded bus to visit my daughter and have a coffee and a catch up. Nice time. Waited for a bus to get into the city and then get home. The bus stop was crowded, I walked to the previous bus stop and finally got on a bus, I sat at the window seat. The bus filled up and we moved off. This old woman was standing and was clearly finding it difficult, nobody was getting up to give her their seat, I couldn’t being at the window side. There were a couple of kids sitting in front of me staring into their phones. Said to the one near next to the old woman to give her his seat. The words had hardly came out my mouth and I heard from behind me this guy shout “Islamophob!!” He kept on shouting it and the two kids started giggling, it was only then I realised they were Pakistani. The guy was two seats behind me and he wouldn’t stop and the look in his face was, well I can only describe it as hate! I shouted down to the driver “Stop the bus and phone the police or I will!” I had to repeat it, and he pulled the bus in. The bus was hush with murmurings, the bearded guy still shouted it, but not as repeatedly. The police showed up pretty quick although it seemed ages. They spoke to the driver and then came up to me and asked me to follow them off the bus! The bearded guy wasn’t even looked at, although he stopped shouting when the police appeared, the kids continued giggling. The old woman had got a seat from actually an old man! The bus drove off and I’m sitting in this police car! After perhaps twenty minutes they let me go and advised me they were charging me! Hate Crime was mentioned but I’m not sure. What kind of world do we live in in Scotland. I’m still shocked!!
My Islamophobic Incident on a Glasgow Bus