Tommy Robinson talks here about the clear Agenda against him by the Media in the UK. He explains a Charity Walk where he is Assaulted, he has Video Evidence and the Police end up Arresting Him and his friend and the Perpetrator walks off! Channel 4 filmed the whole incident but in their reporting they use a still image, the reasoning being that if they’d used their footage it would have contradicted their narrative against him. He talks about the Newspapers all collectively writing an accusation that he kidnapped the pop singer Tulisa of NDubz, Six Sunday Newspapers all ran with it for weeks. This was Proved to be Total Lies and after three Court Cases the Charity Walk Incident against Tommy Robinson was Thrown Out. But the Perceived Damage had been done utilizing the MSM, the Impression they were Deliberately sending out to the Masses was this guy is a Thug. Tommy Robinson put out his footage of the Charity Walk incident on Social Media and it got over One Million Views. Another reason he is Banned from the Platforms. The Establishment, the Police, the MSM have all given it 100% to Silence and Imprison the man, it’s all Failed. Thank God it’s Failed for the sake of our Culture, our Nation and our Children.