On Way Home

We’ve just left a pit-stop in Birmingham. We’re on our way home. We left Torquay at 8.10am, and ETA is around 8pm, we’ll see. But that’s part of the holiday,  a wee adventure. Whilst on the coach I’ve been watching the Biden – Trump ‘event’, I’d say the later massacred Biden, but I’m biased. I’ve… Continue reading On Way Home

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Last Day in Torquay

We’ve been wandering about town all day, basically just enjoying the place, the weather, and the people. We’re now having a couple of pints in a pub we popped into on Tuesday afternoon and spent a lot of time in it when we were here a couple of years ago. To be honest it didn’t… Continue reading Last Day in Torquay

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Having a Pint in Torquay

Another beautiful day. Just been wondering about Torquay, talking to the people, so damn friendly. Having a couple of pints in a recommended shop, great people. Just chilling and casting.the stress and worries away.

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On Way to Torquay

We left on a Caledonia coach for Torquay left at 6.40am. It’s now left 4pm and we’ve had our three pit stops and the driver advises we’re roughly 2 hrs 45 mins away. Lovely weather, but we’re on a marathon, I’ve been doing my Twitter right enough. I’ve placed an image of the 3rd pit… Continue reading On Way to Torquay

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