AntiSemitic Chants and the Police Ignore

A Muslim March of Hate in London last month saw the Police do Nothing to Arrest those shouting for the Blood of Jews, shouting Passages of Hate saw the Police do Nothing. AntiSemitism is on the Rise all over the Western World, the Authorities do Nothing. In fact many members of Authority make cagey comments… Continue reading AntiSemitic Chants and the Police Ignore

Political Islam Part 72

Anne Marie Waters is a Hero. She talks here about the Media and how they protect the agenda of Political Islam. All objectors get slated as Racist by the Media, they Destroy Careers, Lives. Much of the Media is owned by Arab Individuals, I’ll be looking more into this. Anne Marie elaborates on the Spineless… Continue reading Political Islam Part 72

Jun 2021. The Forgotten Scots

Neil Oliver – “We’re in failed state territory. I hang my head in disbelief and sadness at what Scotland has become – the state of the economy, the state of the health service, of education, the fiasco of the ferries, the drugs deaths. It’s a shambles and shameful and I look on at the country… Continue reading Jun 2021. The Forgotten Scots

Jun 2021. The Boycott of GB News

GB News was the subject of a widespread boycott in the first week of its broadcast as several companies pulled advertising from the new channel. Following severe criticism from chair Andrew Neil, presenter Nigel Farage confirmed some companies have already U-turned on their decision. The GB News host said: “We saw a number of companies… Continue reading Jun 2021. The Boycott of GB News

Jun 2021. Andrew Neil on Cancel Culture

Andrew Neil has lashed out at the “insidious” cancel culture and said it is not about social justice anymore. “Cancel culture is insidious, it stands against everything we have stood for since the enlightenment onwards and that is why it is serious. The original meaning of woke was somebody who was aware of social justice… Continue reading Jun 2021. Andrew Neil on Cancel Culture

Jun 2021. Laurence Fox

Laurence Fox is, of course, the well-loved scion of the Fox acting dynasty — which includes dad James, uncle Edward and cousin Emilia — whose hugely successful career was scuppered last year because he dared to challenge claims on BBC Question Time that a racist British Press was picking on Meghan Markle. After that episode… Continue reading Jun 2021. Laurence Fox

Campaign Against Halal Part 38

British law requires all non-halal abattoirs to stun livestock first to prevent unnecessary suffering but there is an ­exception for Jewish and Muslim producers. It is also an offence “to cause or permit avoidable pain, excitement or suffering to any animal” under animal welfare regulations. But it goes on all the time, it all has… Continue reading Campaign Against Halal Part 38

Jun 2021. The Stonewall Crisis

How things have changed. Today, many lesbian, gay and bisexual people feel bitterly let down by the charity they once trusted. Stonewall stands accused of campaigning against women’s rights as defined in the Equality Act, and of bullying those with whom it disagrees out of jobs. More troubling still, many homosexual and bisexual people feel… Continue reading Jun 2021. The Stonewall Crisis