Jul 2021. Woke Film Classifications

Classic films including Rocky, Flash Gordon and Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back have all received tighter ratings classifications as film censors bow to ‘snowflake’ viewers. The British Board of Film Classification (BBFC) moved several films from Parental Guidance (PG) to 12A, meaning no child under 12 should watch without being accompanied by an adult. The former… Continue reading Jul 2021. Woke Film Classifications

Jul 2021. Kids want Socialism

New IEA research, titled ‘Left Turn Ahead?’ and authored by Head of Political Economy Dr Kristian Niemietz,analyses the economic attitudes of Millennials and Generation Z towards socialism and capitalism. Young people associate ‘socialism’ predominantly with positive terms, such as ‘workers’, ‘public’, ‘equal’ and ‘fair’. Very few associate it with ‘failure’ and virtually nobody associates it with… Continue reading Jul 2021. Kids want Socialism

Jul 2021. Migrant Reforms

An agreement was made between police, prosecutors, the National Crime Agency, Border Force and the Home Office over cases of “illegal entry”, also covering those arriving by lorry. The guidance – published on Thursday – sets out the circumstances in which attempting to cross the English Channel is considered criminal. Criminal charges may be considered… Continue reading Jul 2021. Migrant Reforms

Jul 2021. The Taliban Advance in Afghanistan Part 2

Is Afghanistan once again doomed to live under the rule of the Taliban fundamentalists? While the United States completed its military withdrawal on July 3, the insurgents progressed so rapidly in their conquest of the territory that the American President, Joe Biden, had to speak on Thursday, July 8, to reassure the community. international conference… Continue reading Jul 2021. The Taliban Advance in Afghanistan Part 2

Jul 2021. Reduction of Foreign Aid

In light of the damage caused to the public finances by the coronavirus crisis, Chancellor Rishi Sunak announced today that foreign aid spending will be reduced to 0.5% of GDP – a reduction of £5bn. Such a move is controversial in political circles. David Cameron and fellow former Prime Minister Tony Blair have both described… Continue reading Jul 2021. Reduction of Foreign Aid

Jul 2021. George Galloway

George Galloway’s campaign team has promised “the mother of all court cases” as it prepares to challenge the by-election result in Batley and Spen. The Workers Party candidate came third in the polls last Thursday behind Labour and the Conservatives. Labour’s Kim Leadbeater squeaked home by just 323 votes. Campaign manager James Giles revealed “We… Continue reading Jul 2021. George Galloway

Jordan Peterson – The Culture Wars Part 7

Jordan Peterson – “I’ve known for years that the university underserved the community, because we assumed that university education is for 18- to 22-year-olds, which is a proposition that’s so absurd it is absolutely mind-boggling that anyone ever conceptualized it. Why wouldn’t you take university courses throughout your entire life? What, you stop searching for… Continue reading Jordan Peterson – The Culture Wars Part 7

Jul 2021. The Taliban Advance in Afghanistan

Taliban militants are continuing to make rapid military advances across Afghanistan as western forces withdraw after two decades of conflict. The Islamist insurgents now claim to control 85% of the country having overrun areas bordering five countries – Iran, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, China and Pakistan – prompting Afghan security personnel to flee. At least 56 civilians… Continue reading Jul 2021. The Taliban Advance in Afghanistan

Jul 2021. School Fights Back against Woke

A Lancashire primary school has been forced to suspend its Twitter account after their version of a football anthem following England’s latest Euro 2020 win triggered a backlash on social media. Flakefleet Primary School, in Fleetwood, recorded and filmed their own version of Fat Les’s chart hit Vindaloo and racked up thousands of views when… Continue reading Jul 2021. School Fights Back against Woke