The SNP Evil in Scotland Part 17

I can’t be sure, but the SNP *might* have taken their eye off the ball on everything except flag-waving. Please vote SNP so they can continue and improve your life solely with added flags. SNP market themselves as a cuddly fluffy type of nationalism. I’m here to tell you they’re not. You were never put… Continue reading The SNP Evil in Scotland Part 17

Problems with Diversity Part 80

A study comes at a time when the future of the American melting pot is the focus of intense political debate, from immigration to race-based admissions to schools, and it poses challenges to advocates on all sides of the issues. The study is already being cited by some conservatives as proof of the harm large-scale… Continue reading Problems with Diversity Part 80

Govanhill is a Disgrace Part 3

Some Roma women rake through the charity clothes bins. New figures show that since January the council has collected 900 tonnes of waste and recyclable material from domestic and commercial premises in Govanhill. [user-submitted-posts]

The Battle of Britain

71 Squadron pilots run to their planes. These Americans are members of the RAF's first "Eagle" squadron. Running to their planes (L to R) Pete Provenzano, Eugene Tobin, Sam Maurillo, and Luke Allen.

I watched the film ‘The Battle of Britain’ earlier on. I don’t want to encourage War, it’s a Horrible Bloody thing and a failure of our politicians if/when it happens. But I watched that film and I thought about the Youth that we have nowadays! Most of the pilots that fought the Battle of Britain… Continue reading The Battle of Britain

Apr 2021. Ethiopia Dam Dispute

The Egyptian president has warned of “severe regional consequences” if his country’s water supply is impacted by a giant hydropower dam under construction in Ethiopia. “I say once again no one can take a drop from Egypt’s water and if it happens there will be inconceivable instability in the region,” said President Abdul Fattah al-Sisi.… Continue reading Apr 2021. Ethiopia Dam Dispute

Free Speech Part 10

The comedian Rowan Atkinson talks about the importance of Free Speech. I wonder why Humza Yousaf feels that us in Scotland shouldn’t have any of that. He says, “Stirring up of hatred can contribute to a social atmosphere in which discrimination is accepted as normal. By creating robust laws for the justice system, parliament will… Continue reading Free Speech Part 10

The Racial Killing of Kriss Donald

Kriss Donald was a 15-year-old white Scottish boy who was kidnapped and murdered in Glasgow in 2004 by a gang of men of Pakistani origin, some of whom fled to Pakistan after the crime. Daanish Zahid, Imran Shahid, Zeeshan Shahid and Mohammed Faisal Mustaq were later found guilty of racially motivated murder and sentenced to… Continue reading The Racial Killing of Kriss Donald

Govanhill is a Disgrace Part 2

Figures obtained by the BBC show that of a study of 310 local Roma people, most were working but that more than a third were receiving less than the minimum wage. Govanhill has one of the largest concentrations of Roma people in the UK. Local organisation, Community Renewal, received funding from the People’s Health Trust… Continue reading Govanhill is a Disgrace Part 2

Apr 2021. The UK to Mirror the US

You know, I try and stay sensible when I hear a lot of this shit, but okay the guy has been found Guilty, I’ve watched a lot and it was obvious the guy had to be found Guilty, the US would have went up in Fire otherwise, the guy was at the wrong place and… Continue reading Apr 2021. The UK to Mirror the US

Apr 2021. Civil Rights in the UK

The BBC interviewed Dr Halima Begum of the Runnymede Trust today, the day after the Conviction of Derek Chavin for the ‘Murder’ of George Floyd. The ex-cop in America was a cert to be found Guilty, even when a Congresswoman voiced pressure on the jury to Convict, oh that’s okay. I’ve no doubt there are… Continue reading Apr 2021. Civil Rights in the UK