Free Speech Part 4

Under Article 10 of the Human Rights Act 1998, “everyone has the right to freedom of expression” in the UK. But the law states that this freedom “may be subject to formalities, conditions, restrictions or penalties as are prescribed by law and are necessary in a democratic society”. The Scottish government believes a new law… Continue reading Free Speech Part 4

Political Islam Part 34

There are many revivalist movements in the Muslim world and Muslim communities in the West, such as the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), but they do not qualify as political Islamic movements. Only those groups who believe that not only does Islam have a built-in political system but also that all Muslims are required… Continue reading Political Islam Part 34

The SNP Ain’t Scotland Part 17

The SNP’s ever-growing list of failures in government, and its all-consuming obsession with separation and the destruction of the Union, need to be exposed for what they are: the on-going betrayal of the people of Scotland by a destructive SNP cabal incapable of making good decisions or exercising good governance. Make no mistake: these are deliberate political decisions, driven by… Continue reading The SNP Ain’t Scotland Part 17