I do not hide my feelings. I feel that Political Islam is a Major Threat to the Culture in the UK, Multi-Culturalism does not work. People like the Socialists and Liberals argue that it’s okay as long as there is Integration, but the People believing in Islam Shun from Integration, it Contradicts the Koran. Hamish Macdonald is clearly a Liberal minded Australian reporter and the points he makes continuously get repeated by our Politicians of today. Repeat a Lie often enough, many will Believe It. Macdonald goes on – “Now, we’re not just talking about a few tweaks to policy here and there. We’re talking about a Wholesale Change in the way that Denmark used Migrants and Muslims. And last year, this country celebrated passing 100 New Laws, reflecting just that. Among them, strict new controls on all Migration. They even offering money to people already here to go back to where they came from. The children of migrants are being put through Danish cultural training from the age of 1 as an effective Ban on the Burqa and the Niqab. And migrant areas are being officially designated Ghettos and earmarked for Bulldozing.” His footage offers reasoning why this is Wrong. Sorry, it is the People Defending their way of life, and the Politicians have listened to the People and putting their Wishes into Action. The UK and Others have a Lot to Learn from here.
022. Growing Anti-Immigration in Denmark Part 4