Mark Collett talking about Multi-Culturalism and Diversity “We’ve all talked about Merkel’s sort of Diversity Barriers. We’ve talked about the fact that city centres, especially in capital cities, are Locked Down. But I’ve lived in Leeds since 1998, and they’ve done it here in Leeds now. All of the streets that were obviously access roads in the early morning or the evening for deliveries for shops, they were never blocked off. Now everything’s a big one way system and it’s all completely blocked off. And I think it was last year I went to Nottingham to meet some friends for a couple of drinks on Christmas Eve, and what they’d done, they’d got these giant sort of Concrete Blocks that they’d made look like Presents for Christmas Market. They were there to disguise the fact that they’re dressed up like presents to hide the fact that these concrete blocks are to stop somebody Ploughing a Truck into the People enjoying a Mulled Wine at the Christmas Market? You know, they’re not there for Dressing! They’re not there as some kind of Christmas Decoration. They’re there because the Organisers of the Christmas Markets are Acutely Aware that people want to get into a Lorry and Plough Through those Crowds, Murdering as Many as Possible. So instead of actually being Honest about this, instead of saying, you know, we’ve got a Problem Here, we need to do something about it, and they put these concrete blocks there and make them look like Presents. So we’ll all just Ignore the Problem. And that for me, you know, is so Telling! You know, well, we might all Die Today. So what we’re going to do is put Concrete Blocks there. But rather than Face Up to the situation, Face Up to the Failure of Multi-Culturalism, Face Up to the Threat that we All Face. Now we’re going to make the Concrete Blocks look like Presents. So Forget about it, and get on with drinking your mulled wine and enjoying what Little Happiness you’ve got left!”