017. Douglas Murray – The Death of Europe Part 8

Peter Robinson asks, “Young people go to university for four years.‭ ‬And yes,‭ ‬of course,‭ ‬the universities are Dominated by the Liberals,‭ ‬but the kids are Smart Enough to figure that out.‭ ‬And the Moment they leave university,‭ ‬they get Jobs,‭ ‬they start paying Taxes,‭ ‬they go through it.‭ ‬People have gone through the Struggles of Forming Families and so forth.‭ ‬They become Quite Sensible.‭ ‬But for sure now the universities are actually acting as a Transmission Belt for Lunatic Ideas across the rest of the Culture,‭ ‬from Universities to Major Corporations to the Media.‭ I‬t’s Everywhere.‭ ‬I mean,‭ a‬nd how did That Happen??” Douglas Murray – “‭I‬ think there’s an Extraordinary Lack of Courage in our Cultures at the moment,‭ ‬the simple courage to say what’s True.‭ ‬And this has an extraordinary effect,‭ ‬because,‭ ‬of course,‭ ‬it means that if you’re weighing up whether or not you should go with a Mob Mentality,‭ ‬a Crowd Mentality or something, or not,‭ ‬if there’s basically No Benefit to Telling the Truth.‭ ‬But there could be a Huge Personal Cost to it,‭ y‬ou just weigh it up.‭ ‬Is it worth doing or not‭? ‬Is it‭? ‬If you saw what happened to Brett Weinstein at Evergreen College,‭ ‬who Refused to take part in a Racist Endeavour that the college wanted everyone to take part in,‭ ‬which was to make all white people leave Campus for the day.‭ ‬If you saw that he and his family ended up being Drummed Out not just of the university, but of Town,‭ ‬and you were another Academic who thought,‭ ‬I’m not sure I want to go in with this New Era of Race Baiting‭ t‬hat’s Disguised as anti-racism.‭ ‬And you saw what happened to Brett Weinstein,‭ would‬ you do what he did or not‭? ‬Almost certainly not!‭ ‬And this isn’t just because most academics are Cowards,‭ ‬It’s just as most people are.‭ ‬Most people aren’t in a position in their lives,‭ ‬in their jobs,‭ ‬in their mortgage or anything!” Most People yeh have a Reason to stay Silent, but at What Cost? This is reminding me of pre-Nazi Germany, everybody was Too Scared to do Anything about it.


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