Peter Robinson asks, “Young people go to university for four years. And yes, of course, the universities are Dominated by the Liberals, but the kids are Smart Enough to figure that out. And the Moment they leave university, they get Jobs, they start paying Taxes, they go through it. People have gone through the Struggles of Forming Families and so forth. They become Quite Sensible. But for sure now the universities are actually acting as a Transmission Belt for Lunatic Ideas across the rest of the Culture, from Universities to Major Corporations to the Media. It’s Everywhere. I mean, and how did That Happen??” Douglas Murray – “I think there’s an Extraordinary Lack of Courage in our Cultures at the moment, the simple courage to say what’s True. And this has an extraordinary effect, because, of course, it means that if you’re weighing up whether or not you should go with a Mob Mentality, a Crowd Mentality or something, or not, if there’s basically No Benefit to Telling the Truth. But there could be a Huge Personal Cost to it, you just weigh it up. Is it worth doing or not? Is it? If you saw what happened to Brett Weinstein at Evergreen College, who Refused to take part in a Racist Endeavour that the college wanted everyone to take part in, which was to make all white people leave Campus for the day. If you saw that he and his family ended up being Drummed Out not just of the university, but of Town, and you were another Academic who thought, I’m not sure I want to go in with this New Era of Race Baiting that’s Disguised as anti-racism. And you saw what happened to Brett Weinstein, would you do what he did or not? Almost certainly not! And this isn’t just because most academics are Cowards, It’s just as most people are. Most people aren’t in a position in their lives, in their jobs, in their mortgage or anything!” Most People yeh have a Reason to stay Silent, but at What Cost? This is reminding me of pre-Nazi Germany, everybody was Too Scared to do Anything about it.
017. Douglas Murray – The Death of Europe Part 8