Peter Robinson points out to Douglas Murray, “It’s almost as though there’s no Cultural Immune System. That what would have been Scoffed At, Laughed At single digit number of decades ago, which certainly would not have been Championed by the BBC. Now someone makes a Claim. Douglas Mary would say that, but that’s not so, you don’t have any scientific evidence to suggest that at all. And the trend says, no, I was Born this way and you Need to Accept It. And within 20 seconds, the BBC, that’s an Official Position. Why? What’s Changed? What Eliminated the Cultural Immune System to Craziness?” Mr Murray – “The First Thing is all the Adults Left the Room! That’s a Big Problem. It became increasingly hard, secondly, to hold Concrete Ideas up in Public, people can Sustain the most Extraordinary Abstract Ideas, we see it every day, but they’re finding it Extremely Hard to hold onto Concrete Ideas because the concrete idea can have a Personification right in front of you, in the age of Social Media. So, you’re not talking about people in the Abstract, the person is there, you’re talking about this person, for instance. So it’s rather like Borders, people find it hard to hold onto the Hard Concepts, but there are a whole set of other things as well. One is, and I think this is Absolutely Crucial. We shouldn’t underestimate the move that has been played by what was a very Fringe Movement in Academia that is now Absolutely Rampant across America and Europe, which is sometimes called Social Justice Warrior-ism, sometimes called Intersectional-ism. And so we didn’t take this very seriously, but it Should be taken seriously, in my view, because it is, it is probably the Single Idea since the Cold War ended that has made Most Headway and which makes the Largest Claims for Itself. It it is an attempt, this thing of. This is why, the endless thing, women, gays, race, trans, Endless Injection of these things into Every Single Public Discussion, every Political Discussion. The fact that we had a Defence Secretary in Britain who had to Resign a couple of summers ago because 15 years earlier he’d been found to have touched a woman’s knee, and she asked if he would take his hand off her knee, and he said, yes, of course, and he did. But 15 years later, he Has to Resign. The woman wasn’t bothered at all!”
017. Douglas Murray – The Death of Europe Part 7