Peter Robinson quotes Douglas Murray with regards his book, “We are going through a Great Derangement. People are behaving in ways that are increasingly Irrational, Feverish, Herd Like and simply Unpleasant. And you examine the identity politics of Gays, Women, Racial Minorities and Trans. And the ways in which they’re all mad!… The single factor that has most clearly helped to change public opinion about Homosexuality in the West has been the decision that homosexuality is, in fact, a Hardware rather than a Software issue.” Douglas Murray elaborates, “I think that this particular thing goes through each of them. Like everyone, I’ve been trying to work out why people have become so Unhinged in recent years. It’s not just social media, but I think it goes something like this. We’ve tried to make the Fruits of a Liberal Ethical System into the Foundations of one. For instance, Gay Rights, of which I am Gay myself, a Supporter of Gay Rights. I think it’s all good. It’s a great product of Liberal Rights, it’s a Hideous Foundation for them. Same thing with, for instance, Women’s Rights.”
017. Douglas Murray – The Death of Europe Part 6