Mr Robinson asks Douglas Murray, “In all the years since the Second World War, the Germans have made this Concerted Effort to build a Good Society. Has made Economic Recovery of all kinds. And instead of feeling a sense of Pride and Accomplishment, it’s just Exhaustion. Why?” Douglas Murray – “The why is this. Almost everything is still behind Crime Scene Tape. You mentioned World War One Borders, I was in the Middle East again recently, in the Middle East most countries recognized borders to be a Prerequisite for Peace. If you don’t have Borders, you’re in Trouble. Europe thinks that Borders are the Cause of War. Okay, so that’s just the beginning of geography problems. Move on. We had Wars of Religion before we had the Wars of Nation States, some people forget that now. But that means that Religion also is, to a great extent, behind Crime Scene Tape. In the 20th century, it was Europe that came up with the Two Twin Nightmares of Fascism and Communism. So we’re very Distrustful of not just Politics and Political Ideas, but the Philosophy and Possibilities that might lead to them! So it leaves you in this position where Absolutely Everything is still a Crime Scene, and you’re trying to work out how it happened! And that’s why whenever anyone mentions something like Borders, Angela Merkel and everybody else in any position of power, but the Strong Borders would be A Reason we go to War again! That’s what we did then!”
017. Douglas Murray – The Death of Europe Part 5