010. Mark Steyn with Douglas Murray Part 15

Douglas Murray talks on the Islamization of Europe and the Chances of Rescuing Christianity or at least its Beliefs, “Well it’s certainly beyond any one politician or any one Generation of Politicians, and I’ve come to the view that I think you’re right, I mean I was probably more Optimistic‭ Ten Y‬ears Ago, then events happened.‭ ‬And you see the same thing play out everywhere, and I mean the Optimism Pessimism depend on the Facts, and the facts are not great at the moment!‭ ‬Specifically, I think the thing that I find saddest is that it’s hard to see Decent ways out now!‭ ‬And that just fills me with Worry.‭ ‬You know, we had Three Terror Attacks in Ten Weeks in the UK, and after each of them, the Westminster Bridge, the Manchester Concert and then London Bridge, and after each of them, the same Disheartening and Troubling Thing happened, which is that everyone said, don’t Look Back In Anger!‭ ‬Love must overcome Hate!.‭ ‬And don’t really look at why this might have happened!‭ ‬Stop it!‭ ‬Don’t‭ ‬Finger Point.‭ ‬And then just a couple days ago we had what looks like an Attack by a non-Muslim on Muslims coming out of a Church using ISIS Style Tactics of using a Van to just Murder Innocent People down in the Street. And of course a different thing happened.‭ ‬Instead of Love must overcome Hate, Don’t Point Fingers, it was,‭ ‬Get your Fist Out and Find the People! What is so Disheartening is that there is still so Little Desire or Appetite to Find Out and Deal With The Problem!”


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