Jordan Peterson, “It’s self manifest many times in the last Hundred years, the rise of this Group Identity Associated. Quasi Marxist viewpoint with this additional Toxic Mixture and Paradoxical Mixture of post-modernism, the post modernists are Famous for being Skeptical of Meta Narratives. That means that they’re skeptical about the idea that Uniting large Narratives are Valid and it’s a Huge Problem because the first question is How Big does the Narrative have to be before it’s a meta narrative? Is the narrative that Holds your Family Together, it’s a Falsehood? Is the narrative that Holds your Community Together a Falsehood? How big does it have to be before it becomes a Falsehood? And so it’s a very Vague Claim, and it’s a Very Dangerous Claim in my estimation, because I believe that the Psychological Research is clear on this. What we Have, we Are, Cognitive Abilities are nested inside stories we’re fundamentally narrative creatures. That’s how our Brains are organized, and so to Deny the validity of Large Scale Narratives is to deny the validity of the Manner in which we organize our Psyches. And that’s Unbelievably Destabilising for People.” A Lot of Truth there.