Week Beginning 14th October 2024.

Hi there and thank-you for visiting, you are warmly welcome.

I’m a UK Patriot and All Nations need to begin to Protect their Own. I’m watching my country slowly but surely being taken over by Political Islam and Woke. I’m witnessing the Liberal Globalists destroy everything I hold dear. I listen to our so called graduates not fully aware of our History, the World Wars, the Holocaust, many can’t even properly add or spell! I have a Desperate Need to Challenge what is happening to our Culture. We all need to take a stand or our children’s children won’t believe what We believe.

The Categories on site are the following, they can all be described as Shapes of the Globalist Evil!

Culture Under Attack

Antifa & Lefties want to Trash our History & Destroy Statues, Police do a Knee to them! They get the Soft Police. Riot Police come out for the Patriots & MSM Support & Encourage. The Indigenous are Thinking, but Stay Silent in Fear of the Race Card.


The Problem with Diversity is it’s Diluting our Society to such an extent that we’re Losing our Meaning & Purpose. We no longer Sing from the same Hymn Sheet. To continue the way we’re going we’re like Lemmings walking off that Cliff.

Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence is a nasty Crime. It’s hidden, it’s secret, and it takes a lot of guts to speak out! I’m a man and been there years ago! Women need supported in coming forward and the judiciary, once found guilty, need to support them by locking these criminals away for a lot of years.

Free Speech

Free Speech is the bedrock on which all our other freedoms rest, yet it is currently in greater peril than at any time since the Second World War. The Woke, the BAME, the Cancel Culture are attacking what we Won! They need challenged and Defeated.


With Halal, It’s Barbaric the way the animal is Killed and needs Banned in the UK. The Act of Slaughter is Not Mentioned in the Koran, it’s a Simple Political Islam Tool to be Different

Indoctrination or Education

Do not indoctrinate your children. Teach them how to think for themselves, how to evaluate evidence, and how to disagree with you. The sad truth about humanity is that people believe what they’re told, maybe not the first time, but by the hundredth time, the craziest of ideas just becomes a given. Is there any point in public debate in a society where hardly anyone has been taught how to think, while millions have been taught what to think. It is always a much easier task to educate uneducated people than to re-educate the mis-educated.

English Channel Invasion

The Channel Invasion of the UK has been going at a pace during the Pandemic, not reported on MSM. They gain Human Rights, hotel rooms, tv, phone; whilst Indigenous People, many who are War Vets, sleep on the streets! Things need to Change!

Media Bias

Brexit showed everything in its True Colours. MSM were Blatant EU, the People were Blatant Brexit. MSM should’ve moved back to being Neutral but No. During the Pandemic the Government Bashing has been Relentless. Our Youth have been Indoctrinated by Globalist Education & Media

Muslim Grooming Gangs

The Muslim Grooming Gangs are a Pandemic being Ignored by MSM and Government. Destroy One, another Springs Up. They are a Threat to the Indigenous UK. Our local councils have let our young girls down all for Political Correctness. We need to Challenge and Defeat this Filth

Persecution of Christians

Two Hundred Million Christians live under Daily Threat of Religious Persecution, it is Ignored by our Media and our Politicians. Ignoring is Encouraging. There has to be Consequences and the Finger needs to be Pointed at the Persecutor, be it an Individual or a Nation.

Political Islam

Europe’s Elite want their citizens to believe Migration from Islamic Countries will solve their need for a cheap labour workforce due to a shrinking population. Why not Finance the Indigenous People to have kids? Problem? The Left want a Muslim Voting Bloc of Islam

Sharia Law

Sharia Law has nothing to do with Law and Everything to do with Domination. You cannot have Two sets of Laws in a Country. We have to Challenge & Defeat the Threat of Domination

Women’s Rights

My daughter made me aware of a Category I need to work on. It’s Women’s Rights. I thought that had been sorted years ago. But from the one end – the Trans Attacks on their Space and to the other – the Woke Judiciary simply not supporting the Law, Women’s Rights are being sorely Challenged.

We have to identify the Viruses in our Societies. Many of our Leaders are Infected spouting Sharia Law and not our own, the Left look to the Muslim Vote. Where did the term ‘Extreme Right Wing’ come from when you wish to Protect your own? I see Political Islam as our Long Term Danger particularly with the English Channel invasion, without Free Speech we stand No Chance of Challenging and Defeating it. I’ve been posting for years, but I need to get more focused and start screaming about the Muslim Invasion of Britain, the Indoctrination of our Children, the Globalist Reset. If you can donate anything, please do. If you can support in any way please contact – tommy@docterr.com. If you want to know where my thinking is at, I’ll be trying daily to keep in touch with the My Comments page.

The Blog is the place to Engage. The World needs a Docterr, Documenting Terror,

And We Are It!